Guidelines for FASD Connection Peel Support Group Meetings

  1. Everything shared by group members at a Peel Connection Support Group meeting is confidential unless otherwise stated. Let’s make this a safe place for everyone!
  2. Be non-judgmental of others.
  3. No Negative Comments: No negativity towards any group members whether they be biological, adoptive or caregivers. We respect everyone’s journey.
  4. Listen – The facilitator(s) will do their best to “chair” the meeting. The goal is we each take a roughly equal share of time speaking.
  5. Mindset: Come to care and be cared for – The Golden Rule.
  6. Everyone’s voice counts! Democracy for everyone!
  7. Please respect your child’s story. Many of our kids have gone through the loss of their bio family, multiple foster homes etc. Some have gone through trauma. Professionals have discovered that a child can experience more loss if they discover that others know their story, but they did not have control over who was told. Let’s protect our children from further loss by not divulging their past with the group.
  8. Listen to others’ “suggested solutions” at your own risk. DO NOT GIVE “ADVICE.” We can only suggest solutions.
  9. We are not able to make any diagnosis of FASD.
  10. No sharing of videos, pictures, audio or any type of media that could be negatively triggering to other members or disrespect our children.
  11. No photos can be taken or recording devices of any kind can be used at our support meetings. If we begin to offer events for our families and want to promote the group with photos, we will provide proper Photography Waiver forms.
  12. Please do not give out personal contact information of anyone in the group to others. We have a file of names, phone numbers and email addresses of group members. It is optional to be on the list and all members who do have a copy of the list, should not give this information to outsiders without the person’s permission.